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What is meditation
Meditation is a practice that has existed all over the world in various forms. It has existed for at least 5000 years with the most well known type being the Buddhist practice. There are many different forms from deep transcendental trance states to simple time out to breathe. Meditation most commonly, focuses on clearing the mind of everyday trivia and chatter. Therefore, meditation is most easily achieved by sitting comfortably in a quiet environment and simply observing the breath.
Many people struggle alone, to master the art of stilling the mind. However, in a group session where the energy builds it is easier. Thus, within a Learn to meditate class, anyone who has a willing mind and an open heart can achieve some level of success and personal satisfaction.
Benefits of Meditation
- Builds self confidence.
- Increases serotonin levels.
- Positively influences negative moods and behaviour which often lead to depression.
- Aids headaches and insomnia.
- Lowers blood pressure and reduces stress.
- Creates a state of deep relaxation and general feeling of well being.
- Boosts the immune system.
Some traditions may use the meditation state to feel a spiritual connection to God. Others may ask the ‘bigger’ questions of life and the Universe. Western traditions mainly use meditation to deal with stress. Turning off the flight or fight system enhances their sense of calm and general happiness.
Meditation and healing
It has actually been shown by MRI scans that long term meditation practice can physically alter the brain. The altered areas are associated with happiness and increase ‘grey matter’. This leads to increased concentration and recall.
It is true to say that originally meditation was and still is, a deeply spiritual tradition. However, it does not require any particular beliefs or faith or even any special skills. Above all, just a determination to practice and persevere is required. Everything is life takes practice!
Meditation has been proven to me to be a very powerful tool for healing the body, mind and spirit. It is the most powerful tool that I have ever found for creating personal happiness. Again, it is also fantastic for improving concentration, clarity of thought and focus.
Mindfulness and meditation go hand in hand together. Mindfulness particularly is becoming increasingly popular as a therapeutic aid for stress, anxiety and depression.
From a Buddhist perspective Mindfulness is about becoming and developing the qualities of being accepting and non-judgemental. The key to this is intentionality. It entails the deliberate focusing and allowing of, one’s attention. This attention is simply on the emotions and sensations occurring in the present moment. The only place change is possible is NOW.
Therefore, becoming more aware of the perfect moment of now is vital. This allows your focus to be directed to the beautiful sights, smells, sounds and tastes that surrounds us. Indeed, this now moment is the only moment that exists.
There is now a plethora of research that shows that our thoughts affect our mental and physical health. Therefore, our state of mind, what we do and the way we think have the biggest influence on our health and well being. Indeed as a hypnotherapist which entails dealing with the mind all the time, I know this more than anyone!
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Email: [email protected]
Aura Imprint Reading/Cleansing service-please click here
My meditation classes – Bromley
I teach mainly for Bromley Adult Education College in Penge. In my meditation and mindfulness classes I aim to give students an opportunity to experience a range of meditation techniques. That means that every student then has the opportunity to find a type of practice that suits them. Some of these include focused sensory meditation, heart meditations or guided meditations. We may learn Chakra meditation or movement muddhras. Movement muddhras are repetitive movement sequences that lead the rational mind away from trivia and into a trance like state.
On the other hand, becoming more aware of the perfect moment of now allows your focus to be directed to nature. There are so many beautiful sights, smells and sounds creating the song of our lives. This actually is our life. We will practice allowing the thoughts and feelings that occur from one moment to the next to simply flow. Becoming the witness to events. Indeed becoming the non judgemental witness is a powerful tool for overcoming, fear and anxiety.
Then you remember that no matter how bad it looks in that moment that: “Change is the only constant”

Guided Meditation/ Creative visualization
This is the art of using the incredible power of the imagination to manifest. Above all, it is through visualisation that you create the life that you want, need and deserve. Meditation and creative visualisation combined can embed powerful changes in your life. As a meditation teacher I understand the best techniques to support your brain programming. Obviously then I can help you overcome blocks in your ability to manifest. Remember your problems exist in your head! Thus with practise you too can use meditation and visualisation to encourage healing within the mind and body.
Join a meditation class
So why not come and join a class? Often it is the group energy and disciplined environment that make meditation easier to learn and practise. I encourage trust and respect so that you can make strong bonds and friendships too!
The classes are fun and informal. On offer at different times are learn to meditate, mindfulness, creative visualisation or yoga nidra. See here for what’s available now.
In my book Tour the Core-The Pathway to a Positively Joyous Life there are specific chapters that teach Mindfulness and meditation techniques. There are also related free meditations available as downloads. To receive your FREE meditation download please choose from the list below then email [email protected] to order.

Also included are a lot of ideas involving mindfulness and the Buddhist precepts that all help to give us the keys to a Positively Joy-full life! For more information about content, please see the dedicated page here.
Please click here to purchase.
My second book and self-empowerment system The Ego Unravelled-How to live a Positively Joyous Life is available to buy now.

It is full of clear, simple explanations of how the split brain causes conflict in your life and how to develop emotional resilience. There are also quick summaries and exercises to do at the end of each chapter. For more information about content, please see the dedicated page here.
Please click here to purchase.

Free Meditation Downloads
- Please make your selection from the list below (3 maximum) and email me at [email protected].
- I will send you an acknowledgement email. This will be followed by your download as an email attachment. Please note that due to the size of the files they may go in to spam or junk. Therefore please check there within 48 hours of your acknowledgement email.
- By requesting these meditations you will be agreeing to be added to my mailing list .
Meditations: Average length 18 minutes
Alpha beach – Body scan- Chakras- Confidence- Learn self hypnosis– Learn self hypnosis- no end for sleep– Learn to meditate
Learn to square breathe– Love is all there is– Loving Kindness- Rejuvenation of the body–
Yoga Nidra–Average length 40 mins (NB These are live classroom recordings and thus not perfectly edited.)
Horse Whisperer– The Tree– Healing Circle– Head Office–
Meditations from the book:
Core for confidence– Long tour– Short Tour– Tour for success
Other services available : Clinical Hypnotherapy | Life Coaching | Past Life Regression | Meditation | Reiki | Aura Imprint Reading | Spiritual Counselling |Books by Theresa