Theresa Borg BA (Hons), DHP, DCH, GQHP, MPLTA
Accredited Supervisor for the GHR and the ICH. Fully insured

Do you have fears and phobias that do not seem to have a rational cause in this lifetime?
Have you experienced a strong bond to someone in your life that you know is deeper than anything else you have experienced?
Do you feel stuck in life? That there is something that you are supposed to be doing but cannot fathom out what?
Are you curious or frightened about what happens after death?
If you answer yes to any of the above , then a Past Life Regression is for you!
Why chose me?
By choosing me for your past life regression, you will know that it will be performed by a professional hypnotherapist and psychotherapist. This is, after all, where my true passion lies. Consequently, this means that you can be assured that throughout your past life regression, you will be in the safest hands. Sometimes they are emotional! I work intuitively alongside my guides and yours. I am based in Bromley, Kent. This is a 2 hour session. Price includes free recording of your past life regression.
Past Life Regression
During your past life regression we will search the myriad of your past lives. My aim is to bring help, healing and knowledge into your life today. By using the awesome power of hypnotherapy you can even access memories, skills and talents from those previous incarnations.
How it works
Initially we will spend sometime building rapport. I will ask you about why you have been drawn to past life regression. Above all we will explore where you are now and what you wish to achieve with this regression. I will spend a long period of time relaxing you and allowing the ‘conscious mind or ego’ to drift off. This means that we are welcoming to the fore the subconscious mind. This is because the subconscious mind is the storehouse of past memories. We the use the power of hypnosis to access the relevant past life story for you today.
Past life regression experiences
Please note that a past life regression can sometimes be a very emotional experience. Obviously that can include positive or negative emotions. Occasionally people can experience crying, anger or the joy of revelation. Many people performing past life regressions may be unable to help you here. It is vitally important in my opinion to be able to interpret these often complex and metaphoric experiences. Above all, one needs to be able to integrate this past life regression for benefit today. That is the hallmark of a successful regression. Otherwise you may have an interesting experience, but the true wealth of learning available for this lifetime will be lost!
Life between lives regression
A Life between life (LBL) regression aims to take you back through time into the Spirit world. It differs from a past life regression because it takes you back through your birth in this life. Overall, its aim then is to help you to gain insight into your aims for this life. Similarly it may allow you to explore the preparations and decisions made in the spirit world. These decisions affect and describe our current reactions and choices today. Again this in-depth exploration the awareness gained can have immense healing power in our current lives. Above all this may actually help one to establish your meaningful pathways and goals today.
The Spirit World
Usually in a life between life regression you will be taken through the last life review. You may or may not visit the Council of Elders and meet your guides. A lot of this depends, I find, on your Souls development level (at the point before this life time). You may be able to access the life planning stages for this current life. It can often lead to a realisation about patterns, lessons and experiences in this life time. Ultimately it may help one to discover their Souls purpose. However, each trip is unique and I can only facilitate the process.
Please note that Life between life regression is generally completed in 2 sessions (unless you are used to hypnosis). This consists of:
Firstly, a standard past life regression gets you used to the very deep trance state etc. It builds trust in me and your ability to access past lives. Above all it allows you to experience what it means to receive this type of information. We will look at the past life learning gained and any significance will be interpreted for your life today.
The second session is the main life between life session. This can take 2 to 4 hours of intense work and deep trance. It will aim to explore in detail, the last past life, point of death, passage way back into the spirit world and finally planning of this current life.
Unfortunately, some people find it difficult to believe that past lives are rational. Thus, please click here to read some more information and science that may to convince you.

Which past life to choose ?
The Soul or Spirit knows which past life will bring about the most beneficial learning or healing for you. Thus, this will be the life that the subconscious mind brings forward. It may not necessarily be the last life lived.
And to be clear, it is a complete myth that everyone experiences themselves as Cleopatra or someone famous during past life regression! However, that is not to say that you may not have been someone grand or famous in the past. In my experience you will be a ‘normal’ everyday person in any past life that you visit. It is the relevant experience, trauma or life lesson from that particular life that is relevant for you now.
Preparation for a past life or LBL regression
You will be asked to prepare certain information. This will include a very short family tree. This is for my use. It is to aid me in your navigation through your soul group etc .
You can also be assured that all sessions will be treated confidentially, compassionately and professionally. You you can be secure in the knowledge that you are in the best hands.
Why choose me?
Because I am a professional therapist I can help you to heal and interpret your experiences. I have with substantial experience in the careful and empathetic interpretation of whatever may arise during your wonderful regression experience. But above all, I also have the counselling skills and knowledge of how to handle the emotional states that may proceed from the past life regressions.
For all costs and concessions please click here
07817217085 or email on [email protected]
Group Self Hypnosis including mini Past Life regression Workshop tbc
In this brand new workshop we will learn the art of self hypnosis. This will then lead on to a group mini past life regression experience. So if you are just interested in learning more about hypnosis this is the course for you. Similarly, if you are curious about past life regression but worry that you may not be able to do it, this is the course for you. Finally, if you cannot afford a full past life regression then this is another option for you! For more details of costs click here.
Past life regression and me
I consider myself to be very spiritual and well read in the many theories and research done in this field. I myself have had many past life regressions and life between lives regressions. All of these have been beneficial to the healing and comprehension of my current issues. Above all, I have found and cleared many blocks and life patterns through regression.

Something to think about and more information
“Energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only be changed from one form to another.” ― Albert Einstein
The universe, including us, is made up of energy, not matter.
We and everything that exists are made up of atoms. Atoms are 99.9999% ’empty space’. However, new science coming from the fields of quantum physics is showing that this ’empty space’ is actually a field of very powerful energy. You will know from the Atom bomb-atoms are a powerful form of energy. If we are 99.9999% energy and as Einstein states; energy can never be destroyed then it becomes a somewhat obvious conclusion that we must go on after death. Perhaps “to change from one form to another”. The obvious analogy would be as humans we are akin to ice and as our vibration speeds up at the point of death we transition into ‘steam’ or our spiritual form.
Again new science is beginning to conclude that consciousness is thought to be non-local. Like your TV set, the program doesn’t exist within it, but is beamed from the satellite or transmitter station. Consciousness is believed to be outside of the brain (which is the receiver and transformer of the program, or consciousness). I interpret this as; actually we are spirit in human form. Therefore, the body is akin to the TV set and the program being your spiritual self is being beamed into the body.
When my TV set at home breaks down ‘Eastenders’ for example, still exists even if my TV cannot pick it up any more! Thus, when the physical body breaks down our spiritual consciousness continues but is just not focused into a physical body.
Therefore with hypnosis and past life regression, we can replay the old programs, view the repeats if you like.
Another analogy
Just for a moment, think about the sea.
You will notice how every now and again crests of waves constantly appear on the surface of the sea and then regress back again into the mass of water, becoming no longer individually identifiable……….

I firmly believe that we all come from an ‘ocean’ of energy (collective unconscious). Therefore, our lives are like the small individualised waves that spontaneously appear and disappear back into that vast mass of consciousness (ocean) at death. You may lose your physical form but the non physical, still fully conscious ‘identity’ of your Soul ( the real YOU) continues intact.
During a past life regression then you are looking back into the depths of the sea from which you originated. Logically, from here it makes sense that you will have access to the whole of the ocean (all of your past lives). Therefore, you are the sum of all of those lives. You can now access all of the skills, knowledge and talents that can, if awakened help you in your life today!
There is a myriad of scientific research done regarding the knowledge held by young children. They have been found to have insights that could not possibly have been learned in their current and obviously very limited experience. Obviously, that suggests that past life access may be still possible whilst we are very young and our mind is still open and unlimited. It is indeed my personal belief that very young children continue to have a clearer connection to the spirit world from which they have only recently arrived.
Near Death Experiences (NDE):
Scientists at the University of Southampton have spent four years examining more than 2,000 people who suffered cardiac arrests at 15 hospitals in the UK, US and Austria. They found that nearly 40 per cent of people who survived described some kind of ‘awareness’ during the time when they were clinically dead. This awareness was before the moment that their hearts were restarted…”Conscious awareness appears to have continued for up to three minutes into the period when the heart wasn’t beating. This is even though the brain typically shuts down within 20-30 seconds after the heart has stopped” Dr Sam Parnia.
NDEs and children
Dr. Ian Pretyman Stevenson MD, is a Canadian biochemist and Professor of Psychiatry. He recorded more than 2,500 cases many published in “Reincarnation and Biology: A Contribution to the Etymology of Birthmarks and Birth Defects”.
Dr. Stevenson was internationally famous for his research into what he classified as “survival of personality after death,” or reincarnation. For him reincarnation, offered a possible explanation for a range of personality traits, including phobias, unusual abilities and gender dysphmorthya. He travelled the world, recording cases of children who claimed to recall lives as other people in other places. These were stories that he then sought to verify.
In over 40 cases Stevenson collected physical evidence relating to the rare and unusual birthmarks and birth defects in children. These matched wounds recorded in the medical or post-mortem records of the past-life personality the children claimed to be.
For example, a boy in Beirut remembered being a 25-year-old mechanic. The mechanic died after being hit by a speeding car on a beach road. Witnesses said the boy gave the name of the driver, as well as the names of his sisters, parents, and cousins. He also named the location of the crash. The details matched the life of a man who had died years before the child was born. The man was apparently unconnected to the child’s family.
Stevenson always explored alternative explanations-such as the child had discovered the information in another way. He examined whether the witnesses were lying to him or to themselves. He also ruled out that the case was nothing more than coincidence. However, in these cases, no alternative explanation seemed to suffice.

12 elements of NDEs
Researchers have now been able to identify twelve elements of near-death experiences. Many people consistently report some of these things after resuscitation. Can that really be co-incidence?
Long & Perry (Evidence of the After life 2010) summarised that a ND experiencer will include some though not necessarily all of these elements.
1. Out of body experience. A total separation of consciousness from the physical body.
2. Encountering a mystical or brilliant light.
3. Intense and generally positive emotions or feelings.
4. Passing through a tunnel.
5. Heightened senses.
6. Encountering other beings, either mystical beings or deceased relatives or friends.
7. A sense of alteration of time or space.
8. A life review.
9. Encountering unworldly realms.
10. A return to the body either voluntary or involuntary.
11. Encountering a boundary or barrier.
12. Encountering or learning special knowledge.
I complete many past life and life between life regressions every year. I have found that in many cases the person in regression will report many of these same experiences at the point of or following the death in their session. This to me, clarifies that my client is experiencing a vivid and often emotional vision. More importantly this can be directly correlated to people who experience NDE’s after surgery or resuscitation in the ‘real’ world. I thus think it supports strongly the fact that past life regression is real and indeed life changing-as all NDE are!
If you wish to have a confidential chat about past life regression or life between life regression please feel free to contact me on 07817217085 or email on [email protected]
I also offer an Aura Imprint reading service. This may pick up some past life information should you prefer not to undertake hypnosis personally. See here for more details.
Other services available : Clinical Hypnotherapy | Life Coaching | Past Life Regression | Meditation | Reiki | Aura Imprint Reading | Spiritual Counselling |Books by Theresa