I am a trained Reiki healer based in Bromley and fully insured.
Reiki is the name given by Dr.Usui in the 1800’s to his method of hands on healing. He devised the term Reiki to describe a method of healing that he re-discovered. Although Japanese, he travelled the world gathering ancient sacred texts and knowledge. He discovered secret keys that allegedly unlock healing within the body. Thus Reiki uses these codes to heal.
Within the human body there are 7 main Chakra energy centres. Each centre is responsible for storing, regulating and distributing our energy and life force.

In Reiki we are using the ancient codes for healing to rebalance and unblock these Chakras. This in turn allows the Ki to flow freely and facilitate a return to health.
Rei-Ki actually means:
Spiritual wisdom (REI) and Life energy (KI).
You, and all living things have a life force energy. (KI)

The aim of Reiki
Reiki involves the laying on of hands by the healer. This is usually done over each Chakra. In this way, each of your energy centres are being balanced or energised. Thus helping to facilitate a boost in the body’s own immune system. This in turn may bring about a feeling of relief to any physical, mental or emotional afflictions from which you may be suffering.
Reiki therapy
You will remain fully clothed and permission will be sought regarding any areas of the body that will be touched. There will be relaxing background music played. I will endeavour to create an environment of complete serenity.
Treatment is best received over 3 sessions but of course can be taken as an individual session, or continue over as many sessions as required. It is so lovely to give and receive. I love to see so many people thoroughly enjoying their weekly boost.
The benefits of Reiki
One of the greatest benefits of Reiki healing is reportedly stress reduction and relaxation. This in turn triggers the body’s own natural healing abilities and improves and maintains health. Reiki also reportedly aids sleep, reduces blood pressure, can relieve headaches and general pain. It may also help the body to cleanse itself of toxins and thus further enhance the immune system. My personal aim is to also allow you to receive the love and life-force from my healing (as a conduit from a higher source). Thus you may benefit further from a sense of happiness and positivity.

The 5 Reiki priniciples
I – Just for today, I will not be angry.
2- Just for today, I will not worry.
3- Just for today, I will be grateful.
4- Just for today, I will do my work honestly.
5- Just for today, I will be kind to every living thing.
For costs click here. Concession available
If you would like to discuss Reiki or any other therapy please feel free to contact me on:
Tel : 07817 217085
Email: [email protected]
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