Safeland Sound Therapy is designed for trauma release and to reset the fear system . Safeland Sound Therapy uses specially selected, classical music, alongside body scanning to identify and release subconscious trauma or negative emotions stored throughout the body. I can offer what is, I believe to be an extremely intuitive tool that I have developed to achieve the same outcomes as SSP without the prohibitive costs. This is my own version of The Safe and Sound Protocol as described below
Based in Bromley (South East London/Kent) but can be accessed online

The Safe and Sound Protocol is a sound frequency technology used as a tool to enhance therapy for those with trauma, anxiety, digestion issues, sleep problems, Autism, social communication difficulties, poor concentration and so much more. It is suitable for children from age 2 to adulthood.
The Safe and Sound Protocol was developed as a result of over 4 decades of evidence based, peer-reviewed research, by Dr Stephen Porges who discovered Polyvagal Theory. Originally the safe and Sound protocol was developed to help those with Autism but was found then to be a great adjunct in trauma therapy.
I have now developed my own protocol through my extensive experiences using SSP. And so now by employing specially selected, classical music, alongside body scanning (to identify subconscious trauma or negative emotions stored throughout the body) I can offer what is I believe to be an extremely intuitive tool that I have developed to achieve the same outcomes without the prohibitive costs.
Here you can read reviews of how I successfully integrated the system into therapy.
Help to regulate ones autonomic (Fight, Flight, Freeze system) by particular frequencies in music and education about the FFF system
Re-activate your Social Engagement system
Let go of traumatic events
Return to a perhaps long forgotten feeling of safety
Feel happier and healthier
Be more focused with improved concentration
Lessen or overcome auditory hyper-sensitivity
Feel more connected to others and yourself!
Cease being afraid of others and socially engage again!

The Safeland Sound Therapy is a 5-hour auditory intervention based on Polyvagal Theory for trauma release and to reset the fear system.
Safeland Sound Therapy is music with specific sound frequencies only found in classical music. It is listened to through over-ear headphones. This music is designed to reduce stress and recalibrate the harmony within the body while enhancing social engagement and resilience. The music appears to trigger physiological states of safety and trust. This allows a safe and supported space for stored emotions and trauma to be released from the body. This then calms the physiological state and helps to promote social engagement.
Teaching of Polyvagal Theory etc will be included as a large, informative Powerpoint file. I also educate the client on practical tools to take control of their Flight, fight, freeze systems and reset that fear system. I also teach the importance of labelling emotions correctly. This aids one to be able to identify emotions correctly and initiate trauma release. This helps to increase self-regulation which co-supporting therapy can then enhance or accelerate. The protocol is best completed over 6 daily sessions. However, 3 sessions twice a week or 2 sessions over 3 weeks are possible.
How it works
The sound frequencies work by stimulating the facial and Vagus nerves via the middle ear, which in turn helps the autonomic nervous system to return to a state of homeostasis and regulation. This improves concentration and social engagement and sometimes hearing levels. It also leads to a decrease in feelings of anxiety, fear and stress. I will also teach you practical ways to continually engage and reinforce the Social Engagement System.
Many of us spend our lives living in oscillating states of mild anxiety through to chronic stress, fear and depression. Most of us have experienced some kind trauma in our lives whether that be of large or smaller proportions. The average person has no understanding of how their brain/body systems communicate and function. Unfortunately, this can leave us with a powerful operating system that isn’t working efficiently or worse , that we cannot control. As a result , we may then feel powerless, scared and helpless to change. In addition to this, our cognitive bias then means that a person may literally, not even be able to see or hear the good things and safe cues from others. This can leave us feeling alone and isolated which then increases fear and becomes a vicious cycle.
More about Polyvagal Theory on which The Safeland Sound Therapy is based can be found here.

We are often stuck in states of fight/flight/freeze from the womb. Birth trauma carries into childhood and then adulthood. Without therapy these ‘programs and beliefs’ become subconscious and form habitual actions. Safeland Sound Therapy will aid you to reach into the healthy state of ‘rest and digest’. This is commonly known as the parasympathetic state.
Safeland Sound Therapy health benefits
Safeland Sound Therapy may be helpful in reducing symptoms and supporting overall health and resiliency for people seeking support for:
- Depression, stress and anxiety
- Neurodevelopmental differences, such as autism, hyperactivity and attention difficulties
- Auto-immune diseases
- Learning difficulties
- Sensory processing differences
- General Trauma history
- Womb and birth trauma
- Lack of confidence and self esteem
- IBS and digestive issues
- Sleep difficulties
- And more
Safeland Sound Therapy can be delivered in person and/or remotely by Zoom (* conditions apply)
And finally, if working on Zoom you will need an Android phone or I-phone to download or access the music.. You will also need over the ear headphones (without noise cancelling feature) should you be assessed as safe to, and wish to listen to the protocols at home. You will also need a strong stable wi-fi connection .

I am a qualified and professional Clinical Hypnotherapist, Psychotherapist and Life Coach (See here for more details). Thus my extensive, multi-disciplined and expert training which includes EMDR can support you through your personal Safeland Sound experience.
The contraindications to receiving SST are:
Thus I will be offering a wide selection of packages to suit every budget.
**Teaching of the Polyvagal System will be included in all packages as appropriate timewise. I will also provide an informative power point file to provide more detailed information and knowledge on the Polyvagal system etc.
Costs and Packages
Type | Number of Sessions | Description- All sessions are 60 mins | Cost |
Basic Integrated therapy with Safeland Sound Therapy | As required | The main focus here is to provide the full SST package as an adjunct to integrated therapy. SST is best done intensively, everyday over a week but individual needs and requirements may differ. This does not affect the power of the result. You may be allowed to complete some of the listening at home.*Conditions apply. | £100 one off gateway fee then however many sessions required (usually 6) at £80 phr. |
Safeland Sound Therapy-Child only | As required | The amount of SSP the child can manage with age appropriate integration techniques. (Delivered in clinic or online (If assessed as suitable) with the support of a safe parent or adult.) | £80 phr x 6 sessions £40* for younger children under 7- 30 mins session |
“You have truly worked a miracle and my soul thanks you for blessing my life. I feel like you have given me the key to a new future, without the burden I was carrying. I thought the effects may have worn off a little, but actually they are being strengthened and I am so curious now when I feel false hunger and with a tune in to my body it disappears. After all those years! I still feel so empowered and excited and full of joy. So another very heartfelt thank you for the work you do, for bravely forging ahead and exploring and most of all sharing your wisdom and loving us all. I felt at the beginning I had three main areas of concern. An inability to control myself around food, a fear of social situations and an increasing irritations to everyday noises.
The course created a safe place for me to feel the effect my emotions were having on my body, to explore the origins of the emotions and beneficial ways to calm them and understand their message.
I understand my emotions now and I am no longer afraid of feeling and exploring them. I I used food to squash down and soothe myself whenever I felt a rising uncomfortable feeling, which often surged into a panic. Eventually overeating could be triggered by a tiny thought or circumstance I wasn’t consciously aware of, so seeming to rise from nowhere.
I am now aware of why my emotions surge and how to quickly and effectively calm them by applying the techniques taught in the course. As a consequence I no longer need to use food as a crutch. I feel lighter and free from the burden of constantly feeling out of control. It is no longer the first thing I think of as an emotion arises and I am able to eat normally for the first time in many years.
Sounds which used to irritate me to the point of avoiding, are within a normal range of tolerance. I am able to lessen the anxiousness which surged before social situations and I know by practising what I have learned it will soon no longer be a problem.
Before I took the course I felt stuck and in fear. I knew how I wanted to be but fear was definitely in the driving seat, taking me in the wrong direction. Now I have control. My body is more relaxed, I feel more confident and happier. It has given me freedom and empowered me to live the life I always wanted.
Theresa is so skilled in creating an environment that is non judgemental and safe. Her sharp observational skills, wisdom, compassion and ability to quickly find the problem and unlock the solution are amazing to experience. This course is life changing.” E.L
“I would like to thank you from the bottom of my heart for the SSP protocol and the sessions I had with you. You are the best Theresa. I felt so comforted dealing with some complex intense emotions. I’m still working through them but now they do not dominate my life and choices. I am able to release them which you taught me. Feeling in control of my life and emotions is the main thing I have gained from the program. I feel a sense of real freedom and joy I have not experienced before and a real sense of not letting fear affect my life. Thank you so much Theresa.” D.L
And others:
“I have been on many courses with Theresa and have always found them powerful and impactful. So when I heard about the SSP course that Theresa was running I was intrigued.
I initially started this course as I was curious about how it could benefit people with sensitivity to noise and to people with autism. As my daughter is autistic and has acute sensitivity to certain noises I was curious to understand more.
I knew that I had become fairly sensitive to certain noises that my daughter was affected by as I had become attuned them, anticipating my daughter’s reactions to them. I had got to the point where I was reacting to certain noises even when my daughter was not present with me in those situations. The strategies that Theresa showed me enabled me to recognise the emotions that were triggered. Then Iwas able to analyse them in detail and to assess what level I should put them on.
I would usually place them on a much higher level until I looked at it again with more clarity and move it to a much lower level. I was able to understand why I felt that it should be put on a particular level and to see if this was actually still relevant to my everyday life. It had seemed that I had begun to live my life in a knee jerk reaction to every event!
I have always thought that I was a fairly confident person who was in touch with my emotions. I have practised meditation and always thought I was fairly level headed. However I was amazed at what this course opened up.
Listening to the recordings brought up emotions and memories which, hadn’t necessarily been buried, but which I had brushed off as insignificant. By doing so I was not acknowledging the impact such memories had had on me and were consequently still having on me. When I looked in detail at these with Theresa I was able to see how deeply these memories had affected me and were still affecting me.
I was able to understand why, and to look at each situation objectively. Theresa helped me to recognise the importance of how each memory had affected me (rather than brush it off as I normally did) and to give it the validation I should have done at the time. She helped me to understand that some memories from childhood couldn’t have been seen with the clarity that they can be viewed with now, and helped me to view them as such now, give them the validation and then to be able to release that memory as it was no longer relevant.
I have always felt that I was never “good enough” and that I had to always succeed. If I ever felt that I might fail in something I would “give up” so as to not have the horror of failing. I found it very uncomfortable to look at what would happen if I did “fail” or not meet the mark. I had always felt that the world would end if I didn’t succeed or fail an exam. By working through this with Theresa’s non judgemental support I was able to see that I was putting the pressure on myself because of older memories from when I was a child and the feeling that I always had to be “good” and that the responsibility of everyone’s well being and happiness rested on my shoulders.
Much of this was related to my mother, who has recently passed, so this course came at just the right time. Theresa helped me to understand the whole picture and to realise the unrealistic burden that I had put on myself. It really helped me to cope with the grief of my mother’s passing. Thanks to Theresa I have felt as if a huge weight has been lifted from my shoulders. Theresa enabled me to explore memories in a safe non judgemental setting guided by her expertise.
I was able to look at myself as a mother too. By looking objectively at how much pressure my own mother may have been under I was able to appreciate that not everything is always as black and white as it may seem. With Theresa’s help and guidance I was able to see the impact of what events had had on me but to also see why and to be able to let it go.
I was able to see myself as strong and healthy, rather than as someone who was ill. I have memories of my mother always being fearful that I might over exert myself and become ill. Theresa helped me to see that this was a belief that I had told myself. I had always felt that I was not in a position to make up my own mind over what was right for me but that I should listen to the advice of others.
I also explored memories that I had of being bullied as a child at school. I did not realise how much significance this had on me at the time. Being in such a safe place with Theresa I was able to revisit this again and to see it in perspective. Theresa helped me to acknowledge how big an event these were to me. I could and to also view it from the other person’s perspective, and to let it go as it no longer had relevance.
I enjoyed doing the foot scans, although I found them tricky at the start. Once I practised doing them I looked forward to them as I recognised that this was a way of tapping in to my emotions. Theresa really helped me to persist with looking at why a certain point in my body was triggering such an emotion. I find the foot scans very valuable and continue to practise them.
Being with Theresa in such a safe place has given me clarity, strength and, most of all, freedom. I cannot emphasise enough how powerful SSP is. Theresa is so skilled, knowledgeable and supportive and allowed me to feel safe to explore these memories. Before I started this course I didn’t realise how much of these buried memories affect me in the present, impacting on decisions I make in life.” J.N
I can say it has had a profound effect on my ability to handle stress and anxiety in daily life. It has also helped me fall asleep quicker. The therapy allows you and your body to recall the state of relaxation. Then you can easily retrieve those feelings when necessary at night etc. I personally have found I am less fidgety. I would highly recommend the SSP protocol, and of course Theresa and her work as a therapist. S.B
I started the SSP when I was distraught over a break-up. But slowly over the intensive and deeply emotional 6 days I started to feel like a different person. It was a hard 6 days but well worth every moment for the outcome, J.S
If you have any other questions feel free to access a very extensive information page here or email me at [email protected] or call on 07817217085