Welcome to spiritual counselling. For details of A Course in Miracles and details of our free study group see classes by clicking here.

Existing not Living!
I meet through my work and classes many people who have that empty, drifting feeling. Many I see are depressed, stressed or unfulfilled but they do not know why.
Therefore, I offer compassionate spiritual counselling, courses and free study group for A Course in Miracles. I am based in Bromley, Kent. I offer sessions in person or via Skype.
I am an extremely sensitive and intuitive (Clairaudient and Clairsentient) person. But please be clear that I do not do ‘readings or mediumship as work.
I have great knowledge of the Spirit world, quantum physics, parallel worlds theory, metaphysics and energy that I am able to blend into practical help and tools for each client. I have also developed channelling skills. I believe EVERY person has these abilities but few choose to prioritise them!
Many religions have long talked about reality being Maya, dream or illusion. Other traditions purport that we are all ‘Gods; powerful and eternal.
But in my human experience, it feels like there are two or three definite parts of me competing for influence. These completing parts causes many of my struggles.
The Spiritual Self
Firstly, we experience one part as the head (Ego, conscious mind). Secondly, there is a part that seems to be in eternal conflict with the other. (Heart, Higher self, Holy Spirit or subconscious mind). Think head / heart battles! Thirdly, I think most of us sense that there is also a larger Soul that exists and communicates with us. One may experience this as an internal Voice. This is the Eternal true Self perhaps has an even bigger influence over our lives. It and all the other voices are on our side and can be used as guides!
These differing ‘parts ‘ of us cause us confusion, fear and melancholy. Interestingly, old traditions, religions and science are now converging into a broad agreement about the nature of our existence. This may finally help us to understand and undo our confusion.
The pliability and power of one’s thoughts and how they express in the world may be more important than what we have previously accepted as Humanity.
Spiritual physics
The newly established scientific fields of quantum theory and physics seems to be providing at least some supporting evidence for mysteries of this creative Universe.
The role of The Observer and how observation collapses atoms into particles and matter is now well documented. I believe this supports the ever growing theories about how we create our own reality aided by an infinite and wise source.
Spiritual counselling
Please feel free to contact me directly to discuss an appointment or contact me on the following: Email: [email protected] Tel: 07817217085
I believe that you are here to soar and to make a difference.
In the words of Joseph Campbell you are here to ‘follow your bliss’.
You deserve no less!
Accept no less!
Don’t exist-Live!
Why Spiritual Counselling?
I often see people who have done all the things that society has ‘told’ them would make them happy. They were told family, job, car would make them a success in life. However, many find themselves still empty and rudderless. It is clear that indeed many have attained the family, the big house, the nice car but found that this has only brought them fleeting happiness. Their Ego strives for more whilst they feel empty inside. They feel duped and cheated. They feel lost or empty.
Therefore, in jobs we do not like, unhappy relationships or grounded in materialism the Soul starts to die. I believe that you are here to live, grow and evolve-not to suffer. You are so much more than the physical body. It is clear that we are all unique and special.
Spiritual reality and God
I have a profound belief in a creative, intelligent source or energy. The Earth and Universe did not create itself. Even the big bang must have had something that created the material or energy for that to ‘happen’. Therefore it stands to reason that there is a Higher Source and I am comfortable to call that All That Is. This, to me, is not a religious figure but ‘All That Is’. As this is infinite and Eternal, we all must be within it. There is nowhere else that we could be as there is nothing outside of All That Is.
Spirituality for me
I see and use personal evidence for spirituality everyday of my wonderful life. A Course in Miracles has deepened both my understanding of the Universe but more importantly my true Self as and within All That Is. Therefore, I share this knowledge in gratitude of the blessings that I have found on my spiritual journey. I love my ever deepening connections to my guide. I am so grateful for the profound knowledge that I have been led to. It is therefore, my deepest, most heartfelt wish to share these with you.
My knowledge of past lives, life between life in the spirit world, ability to Astral Plane and even NDE’s have helped me to be able to teach others the way. However, it really is the loving Voice, my higher Self that guides and that allows me to help others to heal. In some ways I am merely the conduit through which She works.
Spiritual counselling with me
Although this work can obviously be challenging and deeply personal I believe it can be the best money you will ever spend. Together you and I will share a view of life that challenges the Egos world of fear and judgement. We can replace that world with Heaven on Earth. When you really start to discover the joy of living and not just existing then you will soar on all levels. Life then becomes fun and free. Please allow me to help you to find your Souls purpose, your value and to create a life that you want and deserve.
I offer regular one hour sessions, heavily discounted intensive or one day sessions. These can include whatever hypnotherapy, coaching, meditative, healing techniques and exercises are required to address your particular issues.
Please feel free to contact me to discuss this counselling in more detail on 07817217085 or email [email protected].
Please see classes and costs for pricing or email me directly for more information.
Also see my Aura imprint Reading/Cleansing Service here

The Ego Unravelled-How to Live a Positively Joyous Life includes sections on spirituality, Higher Self and Soul, Buddhist philosophy and Meditation. This book is the teachings of the Course stripped down for everyday help. It includes practical tips to live the Course. For more information about content, please see the dedicated page here. Click here to purchase my new book
A Course in Miracles in detail

A Course in Miracles Study Group
We are an ever growing small and informal study group based in Bromley, Kent. All are welcome for some challenging but ultimately life changing debate and study. Currently we meet via Skype due to lock-down so please email me at [email protected] for dates and times. For an insight into this group see my YouTube channel Positively Joyous for previous recordings of sessions.
Click here for my YouTube channel Positively Joyous and see videos about spirituality and our Course in Miracles study group and workshops.
Introduction to A Course in Miracles
A Course in Miracles is a self-study, spiritual thought system. It’s aim is to help students achieve spiritual transformation. This transformation is away from the fear based illusions of the Ego. We are then led back to the remembrance of Love and God. The course achieves this by undoing our own conscious and subconscious guilt. It is done through our continual forgiveness of all others. Eventually we aim to not see our Brothers as guilty in any way. Then at this point there is nothing to forgive and we can all live in peace.
Fear and negative thought are the barriers to Love. We can return to a sense of Love and live peacefully within and ‘without’ when we receive the Atonement or undoing. When we have overcome fear and lack. Due to the mechanisms of projection however, we believe that the material world is real. Because of this belief we then become victims to it. However, the Course teaches us that we are instead the creators or dreamers of this world.
The ‘Real’ world (of God and Love) comes upon us when we fully awaken from this nightmare of separation and guilt. The Ego is the small self ‘I’. YOU as the human personality! When we begin to understand and thus experience our own power to overcome the Ego, we can begin to finally identify with the Real Self. This is instead the ‘I’ that is The Son of God. This true Self is powerful beyond measure and is certainly not a victim to what is going on around them.
This Course can be summed up very simply with these words:
“Nothing real can be threatened. Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God.”

ACIM in detail
The Course was scribed by an American Psychologist called Helen Schucman through a long process of inner dictation lasting from 1965-1972. Although deeply uncomfortable with the material, Helen knew that this information was coming from Jesus. The curriculum consists of over 600 pages of text, The Workbook for Students, and Manual for Teachers.
I am a hypnotherapist, psychotherapist and teacher of positive thinking. Above all else I use all that I have learned from this study course in my teaching and my private work. It has transformed both my life and my work. Therefore, I am so passionate about offering help to others who wish to complete the course. It is true to say that I was once vehemently opposed to even any mention of God, Jesus or religion. However, I can say now is that I have a deep sense of ‘Godliness’ and connection. I now have a living, vivid experience of Myself, others and God as one. God is living through me and thus my life has become Heaven on Earth. It is the peace of God that I was really always looking for, not happiness.
Tricks of the Ego
In my experience one needs to really understand all the mechanisms, tricks and distractions that the Ego employs. With the help of The Holy Spirit to undo the illusion one can access the enlightenment that comes from the deeper teachings of the Course. This is why I wrote my Book The Ego Unravelled. It is a practical guide to undoing the Ego that so often runs our lives with fear. With practical, personal examples from my life and some of my clients, the book helps you to clearly see all the Ego’s tricks. I then provide you with a quick summary and a relevant exercise at the end of each chapter. Now you can really start to make a positive change.
If you would like to join our little group please email me on [email protected] or call 07817217085
For more information about ACIM visit The Foundation for Inner Peace here
Other services available : Clinical Hypnotherapy | Life Coaching | Past Life Regression | Meditation | Reiki | Aura Imprint Reading | Spiritual Counselling |Books by Theresa